✨ Thanks to all our contributors in our crowdfunding campaign! ✨


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Thanks to all who contributed with much love in our Crowdfunding campaign! Thanks to your support we can move ahead in the realization of our new headquarters. We had 51 “kickers” in the online campaign and more individual donaters! We thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts! For those who opted to receive a public thank you note, your names are here below in alphabetical order:

Ana Lucia Gontijo
Beatriz do Canto e Castro Mazzini
Beatriz Tomaz
Bruno Imbroisi
Cibiane Amrain
Daniela Storero
Dinailson Benassuly de Freitas
Dominique Jardy
Fernanda Andrade de Faria
Gustavo Prudente
Hermes Felipe Dos Santos
Igor Amin Ataídes
Janaina Melo
João Suender moreira
Joice de Aguiar Baptista
Julienn Fernandes
Jussara Welle
Lidia R Monteiro Freitas
Lorena Santos
Lucas Berliner Krasucki
Luciana Gutierrez Soares
Maria Abreu
Maristela Bernardo
Mirian Guedes
Naíla Andrade Sarkar
Padminii Natasha Lucena
Radha Mata
Rita de Cassia Ferreira Alves
Rodrigo Camargo
Sergio Leoni
Sushiila Cheila Leal
Thaís Afonso Pergher
Thiago Marques Rocha Mello


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