4th Karma Yoga – Experience in Bioconstruction, Yoga, and Meditation



We are pleased to invite you to our fourth of nine Karma Yoga Experiences! You will be able to learn more about bioconstruction, yoga and meditation in a integral, joyful, and accessible way for you to go in a flow of KARMA YOGA.

Bioconstruction theme: Plaster (calcifite) of the bench (depending on the weather the theme may change to wattle and daub)

Contribution for the event (2 days):
R$50,00 (minimum value)
R$100,00 (Just value)
R$150,00 (Ideal value)

What to bring: Happiness and love, comfortable clothes, work clothes that may get dirty, closed shoes for work, hat, sleeping bag, mat.

Acomodation: We have limited places in the 2 small houses. There will be 2 big tents available for sleeping. Also ofcourse you are most welcome to bring your own tent.

Meals: Healthy, vegan and subtle.


Upcoming events (dates can change):
11-12 February 2017
11-12 March 2017
8-9 April 2017
6-7 May 2017
10-11 June 2017

More information:
Didi (61) 9 9908 6899 (whatsapp)
Pedro (61) 9 99742125 (whatsapp)

“Come and participate in this event and expand your mind, body, and soul!


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